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Discipleship Starts at Home, Part 2

Posted by Jason Rigby | Posted in | Posted on 11:42 PM

Discipleship Starts at Home, Part 2: "

Discipleship Starts at Home Series [Part 2 of 2]: Click | View Series

Start Early

You can and should teach your children basic Christian beliefs and how to memorize Scripture. This can be both fun and educational. You can choose short Scriptures to begin teaching your children. As you continue to learn the Scriptures, you can use longer passages such as the Ten Commandants and 23rd Psalm for when you and your children feel ready to go deeper. You can also use a short family catechism with questions and answers for you to discuss together that will help your children learn basic Christian doctrine.

Some Practical Ideas

Here are a few practical ideas that may help you disciple your children.

  • Find a good children’s Bible.

  • Remember to have fun with your children while learning the Bible.

  • Keep the time brief to hold the child's attention.

  • Recite the verse several times a day in your child's presence so it becomes familiar to them.

  • Make flash cards with Scripture on one side and the book, chapter, and verse on the other.

  • Put the verse to music or rhythm. Your child will enjoy singing and clapping their hands.

  • Think of fun activities to make the verse fun and easy to remember.

  • Tell them you are proud of them and have them recite it to someone else, like a grandparent or teacher.

  • Pray with your children every day at meals and before they go to bed at night.

The Revolution Begins at Home

If we want a revolution of discipleship in our nation, it will have to begin in our homes. Discipleship begins in our marriages, by loving our spouses with the love of Christ. It happens by teaching, loving, and disciplining our children. When we bring the gospel back in the home, it will spread through our neighborhoods and into the communities where we live. If every family in every church got serious about making disciples in the home, it would change our world.

The great Puritan pastor Richard Baxter knew the importance of family ministry. He said, “We must have a special eye upon families, to see that they are well ordered, and the duties of each relation performed. The life of religion, and the welfare and glory of both the Church and the State, depend much on family government and duty. If we suffer the neglect of this, we shall undo all…. I beseech you, therefore, if you desire the reformation and welfare of your people, do all you can to promote family religion.” Let us not neglect our duty to disciple those who are within our very homes.

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A collection of fantastic reading material on various important topics, used and shared by Pastor Mark Driscoll. Find out more.



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